Once you fall for someone, you can’t stop the love. A strange encounter spurs the meeting of Amakusa Ryou, a high spec businessman who’s loose with women, and his high school sister’s best friend, Arima Ichika. From there, he falls madly in love. On the one hand, he approaches her with almost too straight-forward methods, while she responds simply disgusted, insulting him without hesitation…and he takes it as her way of showing love. This is a romantic comedy about a twisted elite employee and a normal otaku high school girl.
The volume 4 Drama CD has been translated! Click here to watch it!
thanks for updating! can’t wait to read the next chapters ♥️
I love this manga
it is the best. Thanks for picking it up
I’m extremely grateful for your efforts. Your efforts are appropriated
Can someone say if there are more chapters available? I saw there is nearly 50? And release date for chapter 1 was in 2015? I’m so confused
The serialization began in 2015, lasted more than 5 years, and the final volume, volume 8, was released recently. Koikimo has 56 chapters in total.
So the entirety of the manga is available in Japanese.
so, the manga has ended?
I look forward to the next chapters
Supposedly the eighth volume is the last one. Wow that was pretty fast; I only just discovered this series a few weeks ago and I want more of it. Feels weird and bit depressing that it’s gonna end. At least the anime is coming in April. P.S., Happy belated birthday to Ryo-san!
I wonder if the anime is going to fully adapt the Manga
Episode 5 of the anime takes us to Chapter 24 of the manga, so if they continue at this pace, 12 episodes of the manga would take us to a chapter 57, Since the manga has 56 chapters, it looks like the anime will cover the full content of the manga.
Seems like it. Episode 8 had 4 chapters covered.
Love this manga……. hope it updates soon…
Thankyou for updating.. Can’t wait for more chapter..
Thank you for translating this, can’t wait to read more.
Thanks so much for working on this manga! looking forward to the next chapters
Where can you read the other volumes?
Hi Vy, these are the current translated chapters. We’re working on the rest so you’ll have to be patient with us.
– Sevs
Hi! When do you normally upload the next chapters? Can’t wait for the next chapters! Thank you for your hard work!
blue steel
Thank you for translating! Can’t wait for more chapters!
Thank you so much for all the updates! I’m in love!! Hope you have more soon. Thanks for all your work!
when will chapter 31 will be released? i am soooo addicted to this manga i hope that decadence will release it the very soonest

Thank you for updating
Hi! When is the release sched of this manga in your site? More power!
Hi, we try to do bi-weekly releases for this series!
thank you so much!
Rei Gautier
Just discovered this series after seeing the anime release a few weeks ago. Lovin’ it so far! Too bad I already caught up with all the chapters here. ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ I wish I could read Japanese fluently so I could read it already. I was checking out the manga on Pixiv and I love the art cover for Volume 8. Thanks for all your hard work Decadence!!! \(//∇//)\ I shall wait patiently for the next chapters. (^-^)
Thank you so much for updating! I do have up until volume 6 but I’m not good in reading japanese.
You’re a life saver!
I just started to read the manga, so I was wondering when does the new chapter comes out?
I saw the comments and when you said bi-weekly releases does it mean twice a week or every two weeks?
Thank you so much for updating (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
Gaurav Mandal
Waiting for the upcoming chapters!!

Thank you so much for translating!

Are you going to release chapters this week huhu can’t wait D:
I can’t wait to others chapters

They’re so cute!! Ive seen the raw scans but I still dont get what happened looool thank u for the updates
thank’s for update
read the whole uploaded chapters in just 1 night… i’m inlove!!! can’t wait for your next upload, hopefully soon!!! thank you for your hardwork, Decadence scans!!! keep safe guys
Anyone know were to get volume 7 raw
You can buy the raws on EbookJapan!
Thank you for uploading.. I really love this manga since it aired in gogoanime.
Que días suben capitulo?
I love this manga so much! I hate how many people didn’t give this story a try just because of age difference. Many japanese Manhas have questionable elements and this story is hardly it. Ryo is like a teenager inside a man’s body. He is so cute! Experiencing love for the first time. His characters development after meeting Ichika is amazing and Ichika is such a cute character. I loved all characters and the build up is great. Even though Ichika doesn’t realize it, she loves Ryo back. Anime is doing this story justice too, especially the comic factor, something I found lackluster with other manga adaptions like Horimiya. This is the only site that has translated 31 chapters and I am so happy that I dound it. Team’s efforts are appreciated!!! You make us so happy with new updates. Keep up the great work! I look forward to new updates.
Hi, we’re the only ones actually translating and this is where we upload our chapters. All other sites you’ve found it on are aggregator sites just posting our releases. We’re happy that you finally found our site and enjoy our work!
i love the story!!! can’t wait for more. thank you for translating it!
porfavor more chapters
thanks for your hardwork in updating the translated chapters! I look forward to reading every week. I’m so excited!
Awww next chapter pls
Thank You for the hard work

Please I need more of this manga, and thanks for translating it, although I speak Spanish, English is easier for me than Japanese. really thank you very much
thank you for this, reading this makes me so happy

Ran nee
Thank you
Felipe Rios
I think this will end something like this: after finish school, Ichika will accept Tamaru proposal to be his girlfriend while Ryou, in a deep depression, is currently road to airport because he accepted be transferred. On her first date as boyfriends, Ichika starts to remember Ryou all their experience and situations with Ryou and what she did with him, then she noticed really love Ryou. After apologized with Tamaru, she run to airport trying to reach Ryou, but when she thinks airplane already leave airport, Ichika, in a very sad situation, declare to Ryou and apologized for not be sincere with her feelins. When she’s crying, Ryou heard what Ichika said because that airplane wasn’t Ryou airplane. Then, after a few words between them, they finally kissed.
At least is what I’d like jaja.
Thank You so much it is one of my favorite manga T^T !!! Thank you for updating also, I’m waiting for further chapter <3
This is so good. Can’t wait for the new chapters.
I’m so happy I found your site. I’m not reading this manga anywhere else anymore. Thank you for all your work. I’m so in love with the story, so far this is my favorite in a long time. Do you think you’ll be able to translate with time the side story ‘une fleur’?
Thanks again for your magnificent job!
Ahhh such a cute chapter! Thanks so much for translating this manga <3
Tiffany Dela Cerna
THANK YOU SOO MUCH for translating this!
I Love this manga
I wish all Translators Happiness!
Thank you again!!
thanks for translating
Where can I find raw chapters
hi, you can find buy the raws on ebookjapan and support the author. Here’s a link
I want to thank you for the amazing job that you’re doing. I’m sorry that I can’t help (I don’t speak Japanese or Korean), but I really appreciate the hard work that you’re doing for the fans of this manga. If there’s anything I can do, please let me know.
Thanks so much for translating this. Keep up the good work!
Hey thank you so much for the hard work!!
I look forward to reading on to find out what happens
I love the story. Please keep on updating. Good work!
It’s getting spicy

Thanks for your work

greetings from Chile 
Sushobhan Biswas
Anime will end before manga translation and obviously we will lost interest
Pls update quickly
Thanks for your hard work
thank you! can’t wait for the next chapters <3
Thank you so much, cannot wait for the next chapters ♥️ Ganbatte! ♥️
Thanks for taking the lead in translating these! Your translations are really well-done and worth the wait. Don’t let the demanding fans push you to go faster.
Joshua Natividad
Make more chapter please for koikimo it is best if you finish the manga translation the next episode of anime will be the latest chapter of manga you post so it is best to make more or you will lose reader
Just finished reading the raw manga. I can’t believe it’s only up to volume 8. It feels so rushed. The author focused only on Ryo and Ichika’s story. No development for the rest of the characters aside from the confessions.
Ryou’s wife
Thanks. The anime has more details than this in manga. But still good to read. Haha. Can’t wait for next chapters.
thanks for updating! can’t wait to read the next chapters ♥️
where can i read the original, no translated, i cant find it TuT
hi, you can find the raws on ebookjapan. Here’s a link
Thank you so much for your hard work on bringing these chapters to us! I was so hyped to find a translation for this series.
Looking forward to the next upload
Thank you for updating, can’t wait to read more
hello, anyone know where I can read the original manga?
hello, you can find the raws on ebookjapan. Here’s a link
Where can I see the drama cd ?

Hey, the yt link is in the description box.
This manga translations is super late. I was trying to keep up before the new episode come up. Update pls.
Don’t forget to donate paypal to these translators they don’t get paid doing this.
Hi, since the anime released we upped our releases of this manga from monthly to weekly since we predicted its popularity. We’re still keeping up with weekly releases so please be patient. We’re doing this for free and we did not foresee how quickly the anime would catch up to the manga.
Thanks for translating it ! I am looking forward the next volumes! <3
Go Ichika ! Go Ryou!
This manga is soooooo beautiful!!! It makes you want have more and more. I’ve been waiting for vol. 6 since last week. I wish they update it now.
I love Koikimo so much as much as I love Ryou and Ichika, my canon couple, so cute, funny, adorable, lovely and wholesome

Thanks so much for all your hard work! Really enjoy this manga after seeing the anime. I wish they do an official English translation so I can buy copies. ><
Thank you so much for all your hard work
Lucas Simpson
Thanks for the hard work, I’m loving each chapter of this manga. I hope see the ending translated by you guys. Best wishes!
Omg, thanks too much for updating! I’m brazilian and don’t speak japanese, but I searched u, guys, and now i’m following u to read Koikimo. So grateful! <3
Nb lesb
Thanks for the update!! Love you guys
I really love this so very very much much much!!! Both manga and it’s anime adaptation

The japanese raw manga have already been completed, so I’m really excited for this english translation to be completed as well soon
Thank you so much for translating this manga, this is one of the manga that I really love the most! 

I really love this manga! Thank you for the translation!
Teach me how to translate, and I’ll be willing to help with this haha
OMG!! Cute story and love the light rumor that goes with it.. can’t wait for the next update.
cannot wait for the next chapter <3
though i have alrrady wathced the anime and i liked it but still want to read the manga as reading manga is a fun on its own and thanks to you as you are translating chapters weekly
I saw the status of this manga on mangadex is completed but it’s likely not the case, is it really ended just like that or it just a mistake on the website?
The completed status on MD refers to the publishing status. Which means, it’s completed in the original publishing language (Japanese.) There are a total of 56 chapters. So we are still working on translating it to English.
Next chapter please
Adoro su trabajo, son un grupo bastante dedicado, no han abandonado el proyecto y gracias a eso puedo disfrutar su trabajo, muchas gracias.
Melvin Matthew
So can anyone say where should I start after completing anime
I haven’t finished it, but the anime adapted the whole manga, I believe. There are chapters here and there that didn’t make it into the anime, like the extra chapter at the end of each volume.
vino blanco chacolí
Muchas gracias. Lo descubrí.
Gracias por haber completado esta serie. Viendo el anime me animé a buscar donde leerla y el trabajo que hicieron ustedes fue magnífico.
Thank you for completing this series. Watching the anime encouraged me to look for where to read it and the work you all did was superb.
NOOOO! It’s over. I miss them already!!! <3